

Here are a few more of our favorite things to do in the classroom.

6) Highlighter Tape

Boy, do we love some highlighter tape!
We highlight just about everything!

This song is from the first week of school. We located sight words. Don't those self-portraits make you smile? We sing this song to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell."

We highlighted nouns and quotation marks from The Cat in the Hat. Highlighting quotation marks is a great visual to show children where dialogue begins and ends.

We started highlighting exclamation points, too. The kids love reading excerpts from their favorite stories!

More high frequency words from Green Eggs and Ham. Those "would, could, should" words are tricky!

More sight word highlighting! This song makes us happy!

7) Alvin

This is Alvin. He was named the first week of school (in a top-secret vote). He tracks our school days. He should move each day but sometimes enjoys a number so much he sticks around, then tromps on...We love Alvin!

8) Math Tubs
We started Math Tubs in January, and they are hits! We spend 30 minutes each day practicing the skills we have learned this year. Our tubs cover Money, Place Value, Operations, Problem Solving, AND a Mystery skill. Check out these hard-working kiddos!

A little Place Value work.

Putting numbers in order by skip counting.

When the task at hand is complete, there is time for a number card game.

These first graders loved working with attribute blocks. They made attribute trains using size, shape, and color. To add a block to a train, a child could change only one attribute.

A few examples. This one was started with
a large, thin, blue, triangle.

We showed we used thick blocks by outlining in black crayon.

Working with money stamps. Fun AND messy!

Three lefties at one table! Ordering numbers.

These guys are playing an addition game.

Have a happy week!