

 Love for Splat the Cat
If your first graders are anything like mine, they LOVE Splat the Cat!
Who am I kidding? I love Splat, and I'm not a cat person.
Honestly, though, how can you NOT like Splat??

If you aren't a Splat fan now, maybe this post will change your mind!
You all know the "I Can Read" books, right?
Well, Splat has his own series of "I Can Read" books.
Here are a few I have in my classroom.

These books are actually fun little stories.
 The best part, besides being Splat, is the inside cover.
Each book focuses on a different word chunk! How cool is that?

Now, after my kiddos read the books,
they can go back through and highlight the word family words they find.

How much fun is that??
We love some highlighter tape AND we love some Splat!!

 Happy Fall, Y'all!
I hope your first week of autumn is beautiful!!