
DonorsChoose! in the Classroom

Do you have a classroom Wishlist?
Materials you want in your classroom but don't have the funds to get??

Well, let me tell you about a wonderful way to get what you need
without blowing your bank account!

My Story in a Nutshell

My classroom had 2 desktop computers at the beginning of the year.
I decided we needed more technology-specifically 6 Kindle Fire HDX 7s.
Enter DonorsChoose!

How Did I Get Started?
I contacted a few of my blogger friends who have funded projects through DonorsChoose.
Some have received thousands of dollars worth of supplies! 

It's super easy to set up an account, and the website walks you through each step of your proposal! If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help you out! 

So, what did I ask for?

1 Kindle Fire HDX 7, stylus, and protective cover. The cost was $358.

I have a goal of 6 Kindles for my classroom.
So far, we have funded and are using the first 3.
The fourth one is $119 away from funding,
and the 5th and 6th projects are ready to submit. 

So excited to open our package!

 Kindles in Action!

If you have ever thought of submitting a project to DonorsChoose, nows the time!!
What do you have to lose?
All projects are posted for 4 months, plenty of time to get needed donations.

I sent a letter to my parents to let them know what was going on. I wanted to make sure every parent was aware of the project. I also wanted to ensure they knew EVERY dollar counted!

Helpful Hints
1) Know what you want before you get started.
2) Keep your projects small. Break large projects into a few small proposals. 
3) Get the word out! I posted the project on my facebook page and my class webpage, emailed parents, and sent out weekly project updates. We're even adding our projects to the school website!

I would love to hear if you decide to give DonorsChoose a try!

Now! On to the next Bright Idea!!
My sweet friend, Christina from Sugar and Spice, has some great ideas
for using Post-it notes to build fluency!
Click on her button to keep hopping!
Have a great week!!