This week we worked on transition words and sequencing.
To introduce transition words, I like to use How To stories.
In true transition word fashion this is what we did:
First, we read several stories about snowmen.
Then, we brainstormed things we would need to build a snowman.

Like that LOOOONG arm? Don't you just love First Grade art??
Like that LOOOONG arm? Don't you just love First Grade art??
After that, we completed How to Make a Snowman Flow Map.
Later, we broke into groups and chose a How-To topic.
Some groups did this better than others...
Finally, we created How To charts.
Each group crafted how to make a certain item out of construction paper
and then wrote sentences to match their artwork.
They loved this because even the pumpkins who don't consider themselves
artists were able to make big contributions!
BTW: I did not give them patterns for this activity,
and these kiddos know their teacher loves borders! HA!
How to Make a Butterfly
and then wrote sentences to match their artwork.
They loved this because even the pumpkins who don't consider themselves
artists were able to make big contributions!
BTW: I did not give them patterns for this activity,
and these kiddos know their teacher loves borders! HA!
How to Make a Butterfly
How to Make a Robot
Close up-"Then you make two black lines and two red circles for the antennae."
Somehow one group was left off...and need to post more close-ups!
We presented our charts to our classmates and our sweet Kindergarten classes!
We presented our charts to our classmates and our sweet Kindergarten classes!
They were super proud of their final products! I am super proud of them!
Have a relaxing weekend, friends!
Have a relaxing weekend, friends!